I've missed blogging so much. I started this blog with just a love for writing and a way to deal with my husband leaving for his first deployment. I never dreamed it would go anywhere, it would just be a daily update of everything that was going on in my life. For family, friends, really anyone who cared to follow along. After I got pregnant with my third baby I took a very long, unexpected break. Then my husband got out of active duty and I got pregnant with my fourth baby. Another very long break and I decided the blogging wasn't just an update, it was so good for my soul. Thinking about starting 2015 with a bang, I decided to write. for me. not for anyone else but for my soul. Writing about anything I really feel like needs to be said. Crazy, right. I decided the Yellow Ribbon Diary was still a huge part of me, but I was new, I was different, I had grown in so many ways. So my writing will continue in both places. I'd love to have you follow along at thediarycontinues.blogspot.com