Closing day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hooray!! Today we close on the house. Thank God. It has been a long, not so great, wait. But it's here and I'm thankful! I can't wait to show y'all our new house! I'll share the pics from the actual listing once we close. 
I'm really planning to go with a farmhouse theme. I love the feeling of peace it gives. So any ideas you have I'd love to hear them!
The house we decided on is actually in town. The backyard is a little less than a half acre, so we still really lucked out as far as land goes! It's such a sweet little ranch style home. It already feels like our home so that's an awesome feeling! 
It's not the farm I was hoping for but things worked how they should, I may just have to build my farmhouse in a few years! I'm sure my husband will be thrilled to hear that! Lol
Thanks for thinking of us on this wild ride! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

 That's pretty much how I've felt lately. A little disconnected from reality. Moving has kinda sucked my life out slowly. Moving is hard. Changing things is hard. It really doesn't matter how excited you are, it just still ends up being plain ole  hard. 
I don't want to complain here, I'm so thankful for all the opportunities God has given my family. He has shown up in this hard season. 
But more than that I think he grew me. He grew my life and world view a bit. I know it sounds silly, but when you are waiting and expecting God to show up, and he does, your eyes see things differently.
Brave. That's how I would sum up this move and gosh, that's pretty awesome. 
We finally close on our house this week. 
I can not wait. Whoever thought it was a good idea to stay with my parents temporarily was CRAZY! 
I just do life differently. I raise my kids differently. And ya'll seriously, I need to lay on my couch for one whole day and not feel like I have to micromanage every single thing. 

So here's to being brave. Doing the hard things. Raising babies how I want. Loving my family well. 

I missed this little space of mine. It feels good to be back.  Xoxo

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