Saturday, January 23, 2010

It has been the longest couple of weeks, Little A has been terribly sick with an allergy to amoxicilln, then Rota virus, then thrush, poor little woman. She has had horrible diarrhea and a very high fever, I even had to take her to the emergency room with a fever of 103.3. So needless to say, it has been a long, hard couple of weeks. It seems like she is finally getting over it though because she is getting her normal "grown-man appetite" back. So that is why I haven't posted anything lately.
The Husband's R&R is approaching rapidly :) And today I went to Michael's to get the supplies for little A's birthday invites. I can't believe she will be a year old in less than a month. I'm doing butterfly invites so as soon as I get one finished, I'll post the picture!
Not really much else is going on. We have just been fighting through the sickness, and I have been fighting a bug a little too. Big A's grandparents helped out so much taking him to his swim lessons and having him over almost everyday this past week, it was so helpful. I'm ready for this storm to be over, and I hoped I learned to be that much more grateful for healthy kiddos. Church tommorow, then a new week, and let me tell you, the new week couldn't have come at a better time.

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