Seriously a deployment?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Life is crazy isn't. Like seriously crazy. NOthing is ever turning out really how I would imagine or have planned for it to turn out, but I think that's what makes it awesome.
 Just a few days after I got home from HOPESPOKEN (which is a post in itself), we were notified my husband would be deploying! I mean... whaaaa? I was not expecting that. 
Hubs is currently not able to deploy because he was active duty switching to the reserves. So for two years he was put on stabilization. 
So literally my brain could not even process this info. It still really can't to be honest, a 14 month deployment to Cuba. Seriously who would have thought. 
Our plans are definitely not God's plans.  Originally he got off active duty to finish his degree and then hopefully go back as an officer. He is still planning to put his packet in as soon as his graduation is final. JUNE 8th! Wooop! But, this is just a huge hiccup in the process. 
I keep praying that God would just show us his plans. Make this path so unbelievably clear, that we wouldn't be able to screw it up. I'm sure all will be revealed in His time. Until then, I'm going to soak up this precious family time. Sneak away for plenty of dates. Spend lots of one on one time with our little babes, and also prepare our hearts for what God has in store for this next year.
Also, I'm planning to not just leave my little space of the web so neglected. Ya'll I'm expecting big things this year and I'm so hopeful for things to come! 


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